Thursday, 9 April 2009

New google search

Just been messing round with the google search once again, which is claimed to be new and improved, although some of the options are still not available.

I have only listed the sites in the auction site count list, that you will find on power sellers unite, and I added my own www, as I am not paying for google at the moment, so wanted to see if it still came up.

Let me know if it is any better or worse? It just seems the same to me but like I say above not all the options are available yet on google.

Will keep checking to see how it is working or if I can add the other options over the next few weeks.

Saturday, 21 March 2009

Sorry about the javascript toys in the links

Just trying to work out what info your computer is giving out, for anyone that wishes to make a list of identification.

Adding to this as I go

I found this one that may interest those of you that wish to see what I can show you is on your computer, if it shows nothing then drop back and tell me what you have on your comp to stop, other than javascript disabled, as that causes problems on ebay Take a look at the difference with IE and Firefox.

Another that tells you information

Another for fire rather than IE

I have a list of these sort of things and trying to see who is reading what, or who is able to read what??? I have not looked at the scripts yet, as I am still searching, but assume it would be nothing to make them store this data rather than show it to you, especially if written in a different code type.

And as IPs can be changed in an instant, then it is more likely they have something else to confirm the persons identity.
Flash cookies and IPs are just not enough alone.

But consider this, javascript can show you this information but it stops there, unless you use cookies, that can gather this and other data, and then return it to the website the next time you log in, and cookies also use javascript to add to the page

An idea of how much info can be passed is here

Now this is interesting

We can only use your information for the reasons we give on the site. If the reasons change we have to tell you. We have to give you a copy of your information if you ask for one. We can charge you for copies. We have to remove your information from our records if you stop using the site. We have to keep your information secure and not let anybody else see it without your OK.

You can ask to see your information at any time.You can ask us to change the information we have about you at any time.You can tell us to delete your information at any time.You can contact us or at

I do wonder if anyone has requested ebay firstly remove their data from their site, or ask for the information, which is LAW in the US and maybe in the UK or other places?

I suppose it would depend on tax law and if it supersedes the privacy law concerning the first part. But the second part, I wonder what information they do keep on a user? It would be interesting finding out.

A little more info on companies keeping your information

And now they are trying to make flash cookies cross browser, so before you know it hiding on firefox will not be possible.

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

FEEDBACK what does Good mean?

FEEDBACK what does Good mean?

I notice on reading a lot of message boards, that there seems to be a lot of confusion about feedback and especially the DSRs, and how some types of stock seem to be having more trouble than others. Used and vintage items like those I sell being one of them.

On reading I find the main confusion seems to be in the use of DSRs or the lack of use in some cases.

And how important these are to a seller on ebay.

Basically due to the confusion around DSRs such as the term good, as with the fourth star, which buyers leaving feedback think is good, as that is what it says, but sellers are saying if it is good then why does getting too many goods lower their DSRs? I have looked into this, and it does seem to be lowering a sellers DSRs, so good is not always what it means, on ebay.

So basically, the way I will look at feedback in future is, as I did with the old feedback system.

Do I want to buy from this seller again? If the answer is yes then I will leave five star feedback right through but if not, and it is warranted then I may leave negative feedback and or low stars, as I tend not to be the type of person that leaves bad feedback for people, most of the time I would just leave none. But that is just me I know some sellers deserve bad feedback and that some buyers relish the chance to dish it out. Each to their own, so you do what is right for you if the circumstances warrant it.

The do I wish to buy from them again may sound drastic, but that is really the question I think I should ask, as I watch my favourite sellers disappear, or their stuff disappear back in the search so that some other seller can buy their goods at a discount and then sell it buy it now for an inflated price.

I also heard a lot of sellers have been saying, only fifty percent of people leaving feedback actually use the DSRs, which is not going to help the seller, as other buyers are saying they only use the DSRs to complain, and never see the need to leave DSRs they are happy about.

The way I am looking at it is that any of the sellers I buy from need my help, so leaving the five stars is the least I can do.

What effect do the Stars have on the seller?

The stars as I read it:

Can effect the sellers standing in search, making it less likely that you will be able to find their goods, and making it less likely that they will continue, as they are no longer getting a fair price for their products.

It also means you may end up having to pay another seller a lot more for the products they sell, and you will see later in some cases with a lot less information than you did from your favourite seller.

Can also have the seller removed from ebay, as even if the feedback is good, low DSRs are considered by ebay as poor seller performance, so they are kicked off ebay.

If they are power sellers the lowering of DSRs can reduce or remove any discounts they are able to get from ebay, which in these hard times will make the difference between survival of their sales or closing down.

So for me, when leaving feedback, I ask myself, is this seller likely to have something I will want in the future? If yes then it has to be five stars all the way....

There is also the other factors in this that I am hearing about that seems to be rampant in a lot of vintage/used fields, none more so than ladies fashion. This is the use of the DSRs and feedback to attack competitors.

Some sellers seem to blame other sellers for the fact that they are not getting sales. It has nothing to do with the poor quality photographs they produce, or the poor descriptions they use, or the fact they have no customer service. In their mind they are not getting sales because another seller is.

So instead of spending time fixing what is really wrong with them, they spend their time creating new accounts and using them to attack other sellers that they feel are their problem.

Now what difference does this make to the buyer?

One problem is that it makes your good five star feedback to be more important to your favourite seller than ever before, as just like the old feedback, your glowing greens swamp the bad feedback from those sellers, and your five stars feed the sellers rating, allowing ebay to see the truth.

There is also the point that your good seller is taking his time with you and has not got the time or the inclination to attack other sellers to make them all look equal, so all they have is their customers to protect them by leaving the deserved feedback required to protect them. I don't know I suppose as I said above, leaving five DSRs is the least I can do.

After all this talk of the DSR horror, I must say there are still a lot of good buyers out there, so please don't have nightmares. Or do if you are a seller one ebay....

If you would like to see how the DSR feedback works, then check out the auctiontrax seller rating tool linked to the right. Have a play, and see how hard or easy it would be to loose your favourite seller.